Free ESL EFL English worksheets, lessons, and resources for teachers and adult learners of ESL – English as a second language.
Our free English lesson resources are designed for teachers and adult language learners of English as a second operating language.
The context and topics used in the free ESL lesson plans, worksheets, printables, and grammar exercises on our site are specifically designed around either business themes or topics that have real day-to-day context for adult students of English.
To access the materials on our site, there are a number of ways to find what you are looking for. The easiest is to select Free ESL Lessons on the top menu to access all our resources.
You can use the Search Box in the sidebar, which is available on every page, or select from the list of Categories, or pick a topic from the Tag Cloud. Clickable categories are also listed below each post to find similar worksheets.
All the material on our site is free for you to use, either as a learner or a teacher. The downloads on this site can be printed or uploaded onto a tablet such as an iPad, or even onto a smartphone.
If you are looking for old-fashioned, strict grammar exercises and answers, you may want to buy an expensive grammar exercise book, or look elsewhere. While there are some exercise worksheets available for download, they do not usually come with answers, as they are aimed primarily at practice, not perfection.
The material and posts on our site are designed essentially for production, which in other words means speaking, and a lot of it. Where there are packages of images, they relate to the learning point noted in the entry and are designed to be used as speaking prompts.
There are also a number of posts, simply on the subject of how much fun it is to learn to speak English.
Enjoy your visit and don’t forget to bookmark our page.